White River Hopper Eater.
The White River, Arkansas
August 28th thru 30th, 2023
Over the past three days covered a lot of water on the White River via jet boat and AIRE raft. That creates the opportunity to fish nymphs, deep nymph rigs, various hopper-dropper rigs as well as my favorite streamers. We caught plenty of nice fish and few real dandies.
On a recent trip out west I did learn a really great way to rig a dropper off a hopper. Attach about a ten inch piece of 3X fluorocarbon to the bend of the hopper hook. To that attach the desired length of 5X fluorocarbon tippet using a triple surgeons knot to create about a six inch 3X butt section off the bend of the hopper hook. Attach the dropper fly to the 5X tippet. The stiff 3X butt section off the bend of the hopper hook really helps to prevent the dropper tippet from wrapping arond the front of the big ole hopper. Less tangles, more time with flys in the water.
"Life is Good on the Fly!"