Caddis Time

MAY 01, 2014

Those of you that fly fish with us regularly know that I am Bo’s yellow Labrador Retriever, “Caddis” and I write the fly fishing reports for Bo and Empty Creel Fly Fishing Guides and Outfitter.  Well it is “Caddis Time” and my favorite time of the year!

Yesterday Bo and our dear friend, Paul Broddick, made a little trip up to Rim Shoal on the White River and we ran slam into a spectacular Caddis hatch.  When we launched the boat there were Caddis rising all over the  place and the boys spent an hour catching dandy little Rainbows on 3wt. rods before ever firing up the jet boat.  From there we then ran up river to the bottom of Roundhouse Shoal and there were literally Caddis rising all across the river.  It was justIMG_1285IMG_1280 IMG_1281 amazing as the Caddis kept coming off all day long and both guys had multiple “Hat Tricks” taking Rainbows, Cutthroats and Brown Trout on Caddis emerges and #14 Elk Hair Caddis drys with olive, or black, bodies.  As you can see several of the Brown Trout were pretty impressive.

Hope you will come join this spring at Empty Creel Fly Fishing Guides and Outfitter for “Caddis Time!”

“Life is Good on the Fly!”